Root module for csutil CLI.
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"""Root module for csutil CLI.""" import asyncio import fnmatch import glob import logging import os import sys from functools import update_wrapper import click from colorama import Fore, Style, init from setuptools_scm import get_version from tqdm import tqdm from .common.cloud_local_map import CloudLocalMap from .common.util import run from .config.config import COS_CONFIG, DEFAULT_PLATFORM from .file_broker import FileBroker UNLIMITED_ARGS = -1 COUNT = 0 PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR = "blue" PROGRESS_BAR_UNITS = "files" DESIRED_PLATFORM = os.getenv("CSUTIL_DEFAULT_PLATFORM") CONFIG = COS_CONFIG[DEFAULT_PLATFORM] init() logging.basicConfig(filename="csutil-error.log", level=logging.WARNING) try: __version__ = get_version(root="..", relative_to=__file__) except Exception: __version__ = "0.0.0" _global_test_options = [ click.option( "--fail-fast", "--failfast", "-f", "fail_fast", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Stop on failure", ) ] def __global_test_options(func): for option in reversed(_global_test_options): func = option(func) return func # TODO: Support other delimiters when the need arises def __filter_cloud_keys(wildcard_patterns, cloud_keys, prefix): filtered_keys = [] if prefix == "": prefix = "*/" wildcard_patterns = [f"{prefix}{wildcard}" for wildcard in wildcard_patterns] for wildcard in wildcard_patterns: wildcard = wildcard.strip() filtered_keys += fnmatch.filter(cloud_keys, wildcard) return filtered_keys def run_async(func): """ Allows you to run a click command asynchronously. """ func = asyncio.coroutine(func) def inner_handler(*args, **kwargs): run(func(*args, **kwargs)) return update_wrapper(inner_handler, func) def __local_file_exists(local_filepath): return os.path.exists(local_filepath) def __add_if_file_exists(cloud_map_list, filepath): if __local_file_exists(filepath): cloud_map_list.append(CloudLocalMap(os.path.basename(filepath), filepath)) else: print( f"{Fore.YELLOW}Warning: {filepath} could not be uploaded, it doesn't exist locally.{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) def __update_pbar_with_filenames(action, fail_fast, pbar, filename, succeeded): if pbar is None: return pbar.update() filename = filename if succeeded: pbar.write( f"{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}Success{Style.NORMAL}: {action}ed {filename}{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) else: pbar.write( f"{Fore.RED}{Style.BRIGHT}Failed{Style.NORMAL}: {action}ing {filename}{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) if fail_fast: print(f"{Fore.RED}I give up{Style.RESET_ALL}") sys.exit(1) def __update_pbar_remove(pbar, files_deleted): pbar.update(len(files_deleted)) for file in files_deleted: pbar.write( f"{Fore.GREEN}{Style.BRIGHT}Success{Style.NORMAL}: deleted {file}{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) @click.version_option(__version__) def execute_cli(): """Interact with cloud storage from multiple cloud providers all through one CLI!""" pass @execute_cli.command() @click.argument("bucket-name", type=click.STRING) @click.argument("cloud-key-wildcards", type=click.STRING, nargs=UNLIMITED_ARGS) @click.option( "-p", "--prefix", type=click.STRING, help="Prefix to prepend the filename with in the cloud", default="", ) @run_async async def list_remote(bucket_name, cloud_key_wildcards, prefix): """List contents of cloud bucket.""" async with FileBroker(CONFIG) as file_broker: keys = await file_broker.get_bucket_keys(bucket_name, prefix) if len(keys) == 0: print(f"No Keys found matching the prefix {prefix} in {bucket_name}") else: if len(cloud_key_wildcards) == 0: cloud_key_wildcards = ["*"] keys = __filter_cloud_keys(cloud_key_wildcards, keys, prefix) print(*keys, sep="\n") @execute_cli.command() @__global_test_options @click.argument("cloud-bucket", type=click.STRING) @click.argument("local-file-pattern", type=click.STRING, nargs=UNLIMITED_ARGS) @click.option( "-p", "--prefix", type=click.STRING, help="Only push files with matching prefix", default="", ) @run_async async def push(fail_fast, local_file_pattern, cloud_bucket, prefix): """Push files from local machine to the cloud bucket.""" patterns = list(local_file_pattern) cloud_map_list = [] for pattern in patterns: pattern = pattern.strip() pattern_expansion = glob.glob(pattern, recursive=False) # Only try to upload files, exclude any directories pattern_expansion = list( filter(lambda path: os.path.isfile(path), pattern_expansion) ) # Either the pattern expansion is a list of files, or it's a file itself if len(pattern_expansion) == 0: __add_if_file_exists(cloud_map_list, pattern) else: for filepath in pattern_expansion: __add_if_file_exists(cloud_map_list, filepath) if len(cloud_map_list) > 0: pbar = tqdm( total=len(cloud_map_list), desc="Uploading", unit=PROGRESS_BAR_UNITS, colour=PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, ) async with FileBroker(CONFIG) as file_broker: await file_broker.upload_files( cloud_bucket, cloud_map_list, prefix, lambda bucket_name, cloud_key, file_path, succeeded: __update_pbar_with_filenames( "upload", fail_fast, pbar, file_path, succeeded ), ) pbar.close() else: print("Nothing to push.") @execute_cli.command() @__global_test_options @click.argument("cloud-bucket", type=click.STRING) @click.argument("destination-dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False)) @click.argument("cloud-key-wildcards", type=click.STRING, nargs=UNLIMITED_ARGS) @click.option( "-p", "--prefix", type=click.STRING, help="Only pull files with matching prefix", default="", ) @run_async async def pull(fail_fast, cloud_bucket, destination_dir, cloud_key_wildcards, prefix): """Pull files from the cloud bucket to the local machine. IMPORTANT: WRAP YOUR WILDCARDS IN QUOTES """ # Get the names of all the files in the bucket async with FileBroker(CONFIG) as file_broker: bucket_contents = await file_broker.get_bucket_keys(cloud_bucket, prefix) # Filter out the ones we need keys_to_download = __filter_cloud_keys( cloud_key_wildcards, bucket_contents, prefix ) if len(keys_to_download) > 0: pbar = tqdm( total=len(keys_to_download), desc="Downloading", unit="files", colour=PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, ) await file_broker.download_files( cloud_bucket, destination_dir, keys_to_download, prefix, lambda bucket_name, cloud_key, file_path, succeeded: __update_pbar_with_filenames( "download", fail_fast, pbar, file_path, succeeded ), ) pbar.close() else: print("No matching files found in the specified cloud bucket.") @execute_cli.command() @click.argument("cloud-bucket", type=click.STRING) @click.argument("cloud-key-wildcards", type=click.STRING, nargs=UNLIMITED_ARGS) @click.option( "-p", "--prefix", type=click.STRING, help="Only delete files with matching prefix", default="", ) @run_async async def delete(cloud_bucket, cloud_key_wildcards, prefix): """Delete files from the cloud bucket.""" async with FileBroker(CONFIG) as file_broker: bucket_contents = await file_broker.get_bucket_keys(cloud_bucket, prefix) keys_to_delete = __filter_cloud_keys( cloud_key_wildcards, bucket_contents, prefix ) if len(keys_to_delete) > 0: pbar = tqdm( total=len(keys_to_delete), desc="Deleting", unit="files", colour=PROGRESS_BAR_COLOR, ) await file_broker.remove_items( cloud_bucket, keys_to_delete, lambda bucket_name, file_path: __update_pbar_remove(pbar, file_path), ) pbar.close() else: print("No matching files found in the specified cloud bucket.") def main(): """Entry point.""" execute_cli() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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def run_async(func): """ Allows you to run a click command asynchronously. """ func = asyncio.coroutine(func) def inner_handler(*args, **kwargs): run(func(*args, **kwargs)) return update_wrapper(inner_handler, func)
Allows you to run a click command asynchronously.
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def main(): """Entry point.""" execute_cli()
Entry point.